Thursday, May 12, 2011

Pew Internet News: "I don’t know, but I can try to find out": The Social Life of Health Information, 2011

The Social Life of Health Information, 2011

The Social Life of Health Information, 2011

The internet has changed people’s relationships with information. Our data consistently show that doctors, nurses, and other health professionals continue to be the first choice for most people with health concerns, but online resources, including advice from peers, are a significant source of health information in the U.S.
As broadband and mobile access spreads, more people have the ability – and increasingly, the habit – of sharing what they are doing or thinking. In health care this translates to people tracking their workout routines, posting reviews of their medical treatments, and raising awareness about certain health conditions.
These are not yet mainstream activities, but there are pockets of highly-engaged patients and caregivers who are taking an active role in tracking and sharing what they have learned.

Recent presentations

What Really Works in Mobile Health | Presentation
Susannah Fox, May 4

At the Mobile Health conference at Stanford University, associate director Susannah Fox discussed the Pew Internet Project's latest research about what people are really doing online—how they are gathering, sharing, and creating health information and what it means now that a majority of adults have on-the-go internet access. (Full text and slides available)

The Networked Librarian | Presentation
Lee Rainie, May 6

Director Lee Rainie discussed technology and libraries at San Francisco Public Library, describing the latest research findings of the Project about how Americans use the internet and cell phones. He explored how libraries can be actors in building and participating in social networks through their use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogging and through delivering their time-tested—and trusted—services to their patrons. (Slides available)

Trends in Cell Phone Usage and Ownership | Presentation
Aaron Smith, April 28

Senior research specialist Aaron Smith presented the Project's latest data on cell phone ownership, usage and attitudes to the FTC's Debt Collection 2.0 workshop. (Slides available)

Future of the Internet: Will Google make us stupid?

“Google will make us more informed.  The smartest person in the world could well be behind a plow in China or India.  Providing universal access to information will allow such people to realize their full potential, providing benefits to the entire world.” Hal Varian, Google, chief economist

Read more in our recent Future of the Internet report

Pew Internet research in the news

OMG! My Grandparents R My BFF!
Wall Street Journal, May 9

Parting with privacy with a quick click
Washington Post, May 8

Customers stay despite high-profile data breaches
Associated Press, May 1

New data set released:

Download the SPSS files, cross-tabs, and topline numbers from our September 2010 survey on our website.

Presentations calendar:

May 12  » Emerging Trends in E-Government  Aaron Smith discusses “Emerging Trends in E-Government” on a panel at the Digital Citizen Satisfaction Summit in Washington, DC.

May 20  » Mobile and social media update  Kristen Purcell will present a summary of Pew Internet mobile and social media data to an audience of associations, companies and communications professionals in DC as part of a seminar series at the National Press Club.

Click here to see all upcoming presentations »

Contact Us:

Pew Internet
1615 L St NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036

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About us:

The Pew Internet & American Life Project is an initiative of the Pew Research Center, a nonprofit "fact tank"that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. The Pew Internet & American Life Project explores the impact of the internet on children, families, communities, the work place, schools, health care and civic/political life. Support for the project is provided by The Pew Charitable Trusts.