New Report: The civic and community engagement of religiously active Americans Some 40% of Americans are active in a church, religious, or spiritual organization. Compared with those who are not involved with such organizations, religiously active Americans are more trusting of others, are more optimistic about their impact on their community, think more highly of their community, are more involved in more organizations of all kinds, and devote more time to the groups to which they are active. When it comes to their technology profile, Americans who are members of religious groups are just as likely as others to use the internet, have broadband at home, use cell phones, use text messaging, and use social networking sites and Twitter. Part 1 » Background and basics on the importance and implications of religious and spiritual activity Part 2 » The group involvement, engagement, motivations, and views of those in religious or spiritual organizations Part 3 » Technology and religious group members The internet is the source that people most rely on for material about the local business scene and search engines are particularly valued. Newspapers and word of mouth also rank high as sources. Americans are increasingly going online just for fun and to pass the time, particularly young adults under 30. Two-thirds of online adults (66%) use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or LinkedIn. These internet users say that connections with family members and friends (both new and old) are a primary consideration in their adoption of social media tools. Pew Internet research in the news Top Social Topics in '11: Bin Laden and Mubarak New York Times, January 1 Editorial: Teens and civility on social media sites Dallas Morning News, December 29 Republicans Shake More Hands Using Social Media New York Times, December 28 | Upcoming reports and presentations: January 12 - Look for a new report about real-time charitable giving. January 24 - Presentation: Peer-to-peer Healthcare and the C3N Project » Susannah Fox will discuss how the internet enables patients and caregivers to connect with those who share their same health concerns, creating a peer-to-peer network that clinicians can learn from as well. January 25 - Presentation: Transportation and privacy in the mobile age » Director Lee Rainie will join other transporation researchers at a session of the Transportation Research Board that will examine consumer behavior and their attitudes about privacy in the age of mobile connectivity. About us: The Pew Internet & American Life Project is an initiative of the Pew Research Center, a nonprofit "fact tank"that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. The Pew Internet & American Life Project explores the impact of the internet on children, families, communities, the work place, schools, health care and civic/political life. Support for the project is provided by The Pew Charitable Trusts. |
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