Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pew Internet News: Where people get information about restaurants and other local businesses

New Report: Where people get information about restaurants and other local businesses

Where people get information about local businessesThe internet is the source that people most rely on for material about the local business scene and search engines are particularly valued. Newspapers and word of mouth also rank high as sources. 

Part 1 » Restaurants, bars, and clubs

Part 2 » Local businesses other than restaurants, bars, and clubs

Report: Teens, kindness and cruelty on social network sites

Social media use has become so pervasive in the lives of American teens that having a presence on a social network site is almost synonymous with being online. Fully 95% of all teens ages 12-17 are now online and 80% of those online teens are users of social media sites. Many log on daily to their social network pages and these have become spaces where much of the social activity of teen life is echoed and amplified—in both good and bad ways.

Report: The internet as a diversion and destination

Americans are increasingly going online just for fun and to pass the time, particularly young adults under 30. On any given day, 53% of all the young adults ages 18-29 go online for no particular reason except to have fun or to pass the time.

Report: Why Americans use social media

Two-thirds of online adults (66%) use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or LinkedIn. These internet users say that connections with family members and friends (both new and old) are a primary consideration in their adoption of social media tools.

Pew Internet research in the news 

Consumers Not Turning to Social Media Sites for Local Business Info [STUDY]
Mashable, December 15

Search engines beat social media for local business info: study, December 14

Twitter Tries to Simplify Its Service
New York Times, December 8

Upcoming reports and presentations:

December 22 - Look for a new report about the civic and community engagement of religiously active Americans.

January 24 - Presentation: Peer-to-peer Healthcare and the C3N Project » Susannah Fox will discuss how the internet enables patients and caregivers to connect with those who share their same health concerns, creating a peer-to-peer network that clinicians can learn from as well.

Recent presentations:

State of Social Media: 2011 [SLIDES]  »  Senior Research Specialist Mary Madden presented the Project’s latest research on social media adoption. You can view or download her slides here.

Kids, Privacy and Online Drama [DESCRIPTION]  »  Senior Research Specialist Amanda Lenhart, danah boyd, and Alice Marwick discussed the ways young people interact online, how they manage their privacy, and common misconceptions of adults when it comes to cyberbullying.

Future of the Internet: Role of the Web and New Media in the Public Sector [SLIDES]  »  Pew Internet Director Lee Rainie was honored to give the Joe Pagano Memorial Web Analytics Lecture for the federal government’s Web Manager University. You can view or download his slides here.

See all upcoming presentations »

Contact Us:

Pew Internet
1615 L St NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036

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About us:

The Pew Internet & American Life Project is an initiative of the Pew Research Center, a nonprofit "fact tank"that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. The Pew Internet & American Life Project explores the impact of the internet on children, families, communities, the work place, schools, health care and civic/political life. Support for the project is provided by The Pew Charitable Trusts.