Monday, July 11, 2011

New report alert: Our first-ever standalone report on smartphone adoption and usage

In its first standalone measure of smartphone ownership, the Pew Internet Project finds that one third (35%) of American adults own smartphones.
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How people feel about their smartphones

Report: Smartphone adoption and usage

In the word cloud above: How people feel about their smartphones

In its first standalone measure of smartphone ownership, the Pew Internet Project finds that one third of American adults – 35% – own smartphones. The Project’s May survey found that 83% of US adults have a cell phone of some kind, and that 42% of them own a smartphone. That translates into 35% of all adults.
Several demographic groups have high levels of smartphone adoption, including the financially well-off and well-educated, non-whites, and those under the age of 45.

Some 87% of smartphone owners access the internet or email on their handheld, including two-thirds (68%) who do so on a typical day. When asked what device they normally use to access the internet, 25% of smartphone owners say that they mostly go online using their phone, rather than with a computer. While many of these individuals have other sources of online access at home, roughly one third of these “cell mostly” internet users lack a high-speed home broadband connection.

Read or download the full report:

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